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Gewürze aus Santa Lemusa


Tamarind Ice Cream as it is served in the «Keur Souadou» in Dakar smells at once fresh and full-bodied.

Glace Souadou

Tamarind ice cream with coconut milk

There’s not very much choice in the dessert list of the «Keur Souadou», located in the heart of Dakar, where Hektor Mialle once cooked the legendary secret-agent beef dish: either one can have tamarind ice cream or pass it up. The ice cream is at once fresh and full-bodied: in the foreground is the fruit, in the background the coconut. As the ice cream is made by the owner herself, we have christened it «Glace Souadou».

Ingrediens (for 700 g ice cream)

8 dl tamarin juice

200 g sugar

6 dl coconut milk (oder Kalparik)

1 or 2 stalks vanilla

2 or 3 dl whipped cram


  1. Mix tamarind juice and sugar, heat mixture carefully till it is reduced by half and has the consistency of syrup. Cool.
  2. Add coconut milk, scrape the vanilla stalks, add the pods to the mixture and stir.
  3. Remove vanilla pods, whip the cream stiff, and carefully add it to the tamarind-coconut sauce.
  4. Put the mixture into ice cream machine or into a container in the freezer and stir regularly.

«Glace Souadou» can be served with vanilla sauce, the milky sweetness of which lends an interesting contrast to the ice cream.

Angela tastes the Tamarind Ice cream (HOIO's menu-test for Episode 2 of «Mission Kaki», January 16, 2009 in Zürich).

More about the travel adventure of Secret Agent Hektor Maille:

The whole menu, Agent Hektor Maille cooked one memorable evening in central Dakar for the guests of the the beautiful Lady Souadou:

First Publication: 1-2-2009

Modifications: 23-1-2011, 18-6-2011, 13-11-2011, 12-12-2011