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HOIO und Cookuk

  • Das Tagebuch von Raum Nummer 8 (Susanne Vögeli und Jules Rifke)
  • HOIO-Rezepte in der Kochschule – das andere Tagebuch

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Grosse Projekte


Gewürze aus Santa Lemusa


The Equaliser

Singapore (Singapore) Botanic Gardens
Rain Forest Department
Sunday, 13 March 2011

Show place on world map

Singapore lies just a few kilometres above the Equator – that great equaliser-cum-divider of the earth. As such, the nation-state lies in the «Upright World» and also so close to the vertex of the world’s paunch that, in its heat, one does not know where one’s head actually is. If Love H Kiri is to be believed, there’s no need to marvel at this: «In ancient Europe one walks around throughout the day with an upright head and keeps one’s feet firmly on the ground. In distant Australia – and Australia is always distant, even in Australia itself – a person wanders through time and space with the head hanging upside-down. And that explains the rosy complexion acquired by anyone who hangs around there for any length of time. But in the region in-between, i.e. at the line where the ‹Upright› and ‹Upside-Down› areas meet, everyone one can behave exactly as s/he pleases. Here, people live in total chaos, and their language only adds to the confusion. Even when they speak with their hands they mean their feet.»

Love H Kiri: «Of the upright and the upside-down world». In: «How beautiful Paris would be without the French». Sentores: Maisonneuve & Duprat, 2009.

See also

First Publication: 13-2-2012

Modifications: 18-6-2013