Air / Water temperature: 19°C (15°C at night) / 17°C
Wind direction / Bft: East-southeast / 4 – Nautical chart showing the route
Area: SAXA PECORIFORMA (fresh breeze)
Combuse: Dover sole (500 g) remove intestines, scale, rinse and pat dry. Heat up 1 tablespoon olive oil in a sauce pan, sauté 1 small, finely chopped onion (50g) sauté. Add 3 tablespoons chopped capers, zest of ½ lemon, 2 tablespoons chopped flat parsley, warm up briefly. Deglaze with ½ dl white wine and ½ dl broth, add ½ teaspoon pepper. Bring to a boil reduce heat, simmer slightly for 10 minutes. Add juice of ½ lemon, salt to taste. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the fish, fry in hot olive oil for 5 minutes per side. Serve sauce separately with the fish. (More recipes from the Chief cook of «PS Narina»)
The whelk is gone. Probably it believed being in it selves enough of a house pet. I can see no sign of relief in Oscar’s face.
First Publication: 30-11-2012
Modifications: 16-12-2012, 10-11-2014