Air / Water temperature: 18°C (11°C at night) / 16°C
Wind direction / Bft: East / 1
Area: FINIS RAPAE (lot of seaweed and plenty of birds) – Nautical chart showing the route
Combuse: Red scorpionfish (1 kg) remove intestines, venomous spines and scales, take off fillets and rinse. Break out gills, chop carcass into smaller pieces, break up the head. Sauté 1 finely chopped onion in oil. Add 2 crushed cloves of garlic and 200 g floury potatoes in cubes, stew for 5 minutes. Add fish carcasses and stew another 5 minutes. Add 150 g diced fennel, 50 g celery sticks in pieces, 2 finely chopped tomatoes, stew briefly. Deglaze with 1 liter of water, 2 dl white wine and 1 dl absinthe. Bring to boil and then let simmer for 15 minutes over low heat, skim off foam regularly. Add 3 stalks of parsley, 2 sprigs thyme, 1 tablespoon salt and 1 teaspoon pepper and simmer for another 10 minutes. Pour soup through a fine sieve into a clean saucepan, squeeze well the pieces and discard. Add 1 teaspoon saffron threads to the soup and let it stand for 3 minutes. Heat the soup gently and season with salt. Add to the soup 200 g of precooked potatoes and the fillets of the fish, simmer for 5 minutes. (More recipes from the Chief cook of «PS Narina»)
The sound of the wind passing over still waters is softer than that of our inhalation through the nose. Of course, when our nostrils are not quite clean, when the air must pass through more or less dry snot and encrusted blood that stick firmly to fine hairs like the minute projections on a clarinet do, it sounds as though there’s a small brass band playing inside our nose, the marching tempo of which we regulate through our breathing. And so, when the wind rises we can puff against its loud notes with the little harmony in our very own rabble orchestra.
First Publication: 30-11-2012
Modifications: 12-11-2014