Air / Water temperature: 30°C (26°C at night) / 25°C
Wind direction / Bft: North-northeast / 1
Area: KARDAMOMIA (wildlife in the bushes) – Nautical chart showing the route
Combuse: Great barrakuda (1.5 kg) remove intestines, scale, chop off head and separate the fish in two parts at the level of its anal finn. Rinse all three parts well, pat dry, rub with salt, pepper and some olive oil, place on a tray covered with baking paper. Bake in the oven at 200° for 20 minutes. Process with the blender to make a paste 2 large onions chopped, 5 stalks lemon grass finely chopped, 80 g galangal finely chopped, 80 g ginger finely chopped, 1 head of garlic chopped, 6 fresh green chillies, zest of 2 limes, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon cumin, 1 teaspoon turmeric. Heat some oil in a frying pan, pour in six heaped tablespoons of the paste and fry until it smells good. Remove from heat and add 2 tablespoons fish sauce, stir in 200 ml of coconut milk and heat thoroughly, add 2 tablespoons lime juice. Serve sauce with fish. (More recipes from the Chief cook of «PS Narina»)
I occasionally ask myself about which image is the more appropriate: Does time take bites out of our life – just as an apple disappears, bite by bite, into our plumbing? Or, does it contribute something to our life day after day? And does that mean that we are constantly becoming poorer – while, in other circumstances, constantly winning something at the same time? Does time run away from us? Or is it at our heels? Do we exist – are we? Or do we disappear? And does that make a difference?
Oskar looks at me. If he had eyebrows, he would most certainly have raised them. On his forehead looms a fat blister on which is written in capital letters: «Why do you make it so hard for yourself? The answer is simple: We are!»
There are questions that do not take us forward; answers neither.
First Publication: 23-3-2013
Modifications: 9-4-2013, 11-11-2014