Air / Water temperature: 25°C (19°C at night) / 27°C
Wind direction / Bft: South-southwest / 3
Area: BITUMINIS PELAGUS (an inkling of saltpeter) – Nautical chart showing the route
Combuse: Silver pomfret (600 g) remove intestines, rinse and pat dry. Heat 1 tablespoon sesame oil, briefly fry 100 g thinly sliced red onion, 50 g thinly sliced ginger, 4 garlic cloves in sticks, 4 red chilli deseeded in fine vertical stripes. Add ½ teaspoon sugar, 2 tablespoons lightly crushed black fermented soy beans, 3 tablespoons light soy sauce, fry briefly. Deglaze with 2 dl water and simmer for 5 minutes. Add 40 g thin green onions in pieces of 4 cm, simmer 1 minute, add salt to taste. Salt and pepper the fish, turn it around in breadcrumbs, fry in a separate pan with a little canola oil for 5 minutes per side. Pour sauce over the fish. (More recipes from the Chief cook of «PS Narina»)
One takes an ant and places it on a bed of salt and waits until it dies. Then one sprinkles it with lemon juice and eats it with two chopsticks.
Naturally, I’ve only dreamed of this recipe – my pet is still happily running around.
The culinary culture of the Far East is, above all, an irritant for western people because it does not make that fundamental distinction between creatures that they can cuddle and creatures that they can eat. I would not cuddle Oskar – but eat?
First Publication: 5-2-2013
Modifications: 9-4-2013, 11-11-2014