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Sharjah, Fish Market

Scene 8

From the fish market Maille telephoned his Bureau in order to ask about the results of the water investigation. Marie confirmed that the results of the probe had just arrived and connected him with Mercier. She did not mention the water-lilies.
«So, what's Arabian food all about?» asked Mercier, who seemed to be in the best of moods.
«I have not yet had the occasion to test it.»
«Will you bring me Baharat?»
«Baharat? »
«Yes, it is a mixture of coriander, cardamom, cumin, turmeric, and I think ginger and saffron.»
«Ah, you were also here in the past.»
«Actually, I wasn't, but one of your predecessors brought me Baharat from Dubai – shortly before he walked on a land mine in Kosovo, the poor fellow.»
Maille forgot as always that Mercier was a passionate cook - a good reason somehow to forget about his own cooking skills forever.
«Okay, Chief. And the lab?»
«The investigation of the water sample yielded no unusual results, just the regular bacterial concentrations – do you want the details?»
«I’ll let it pass», replied Maille, beginning to feel a vague sense of nausea building up somewhere in the depths of his stomach lining.
«We have also investigated the water-lilies. Nothing in them either – except for an amusing detail. According to our laboratory, this type of water-lily is otherwise to be found only in Santa Lemusa and was until now considered endemic.»
«Endemic? Hmm, any explanations for that?»
«Not yet. But we will keep you updated. By the way, your cook was here with a cake. What a interesting lady! What a cake!»